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Message from the president

DALIA was founded in 1946 as a beauty product trading company.
The company mission was to help beautify and enrich the lives and culture of people in the postwar period when supplies were short. DALIA has taken on many endeavors while always remembering the principle of mutual prosperity for development of the beauty industry.
The name, ‘DALIA,’ was chosen by my grandfather, Michiaki Takaki, who founded the company as a beauty product trading company. It comes from the name of a beautiful flower based on the idea that the beauty industry is gorgeous and makes people beautiful.
Dahlias have strong roots and can adapt to all different environments, and symbolize magnificence, elegance, dignity and gratitude in the language of flowers. This is why ‘DALIA’ was chosen for our company’s name.
It is our great pleasure to assist everyone working in the beauty industry.
We will continue to work with all of you to grow many flower of happiness throughout society.
President & CEO
DALIA Incorporated
DALIA Incorporated
Shinichi Takaki, President & CEO
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